Navimeteo have always been dedicated to safety at sea, and whilst we concentrate on the risks associated with the ever changing metocean environment, there are significant additional unknown risks and threats in the maritime environment that could affect mariners lives and cost the industry hundreds of millions in extra operating costs every year.

To help bridge this gap in knowledge Navimeteo have partnered with International Maritime Security Associates (IMSA), who have developed the impressive ARMS platform. This platform can be used to identify, with significant detail, many additional risks and threats for the protection of ships, crew members and cargo.

The platform includes detailed information on the following risk categories:

  • Civil Unrest affecting Ports, Canals, Marinas, or Waterways

  • Piracy & Maritime Security Issues including worldwide migrant movements

  • Port, Canal, & Waterway Delays and Closures

  • Major Worldwide Disease Outbreaks and Health Epidemics

  • Major Weather Issues

  • Worldwide NAVTEX Notice to Mariners

  • Cyber Security Threats and Issues

With real time geo-location based alerts, personalised emergency protocols, 24/7 intelligence, notifications across the crew and fleet management options for shoreside use we encourage our weather family to take a look at what IMSA are doing to complete your safety-on-board setup alongside your Navimeteo Weather Subscription.

The partnership between Navimeteo and IMSA provides clients with an opportunity for a complete service for safety at sea, with the human-touch that both companies are so well known for. For example, the emergency SOS and communications protocol feature can remove the burden of following lengthy emergency procedures by passing the responsibility of communication onto IMSA. Considering his fiery, middle of the night experience, Captain Halvorsen, skipper of a 43m vessel and user of ARMS platform said “Having an SOS button on the bridge that I can hit and know that it’s ringing somebody in the IMSA Communications Center... Knowing they have a communications protocol in place that we have pre-discussed when things were not in chaos.... It takes that stuff off my plate, and I no longer have to think about it when my blood pressure is up and my heart rate is rolling.

Handling an active emergency no longer has to be punctuated by a long series of mandated outgoing communications. IMSA will promptly execute those important tasks for you, in addition to initiating emergency rescue response to your exact location.

Find out more about the ARMS platform by checking out the website: